Energy & Utilities
Cost Reduction, Process & IT Systems Optimization
Fallstudie Energie

Case Study

Operational baselining and cost standards development across energy trading organization

SDI helped a wholesale energy trading company to significantly improve its operating performance by developing detailed industry benchmark cost structures and identifying major cost saving opportunities

Client situation

A leading international wholesale energy trading company identified major potentials for operational cost savings across all of its business lines and desired to understand its own baseline performance compared to the overarching industry standards

Project approach

SDI developed a detailed framework for activity-based apples-to-apples comparisons of client’s cost structure to established industry standards and identified significant cost saving potentials for each activity group


By using SDI’s tried and tested Baselining and Cost Standards approach the client was able to identify major cost saving opportunities with clear and focused implication plans on adjusting spend and FTE count across the entire organization

Fallstudie Energie

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